a yellowhead
The work a yellowhead was created as part of the exhibition Die Supermachine [The Super Machine], curated by Ellen Blumenstein. The exhibition ran in the experimental space of the historic Mostviel mill. The space and performance were developed from the alter-ego of a praying yoga teacher created through the group’s work. The old room was painted white and clinically cleaned. A collection of white utensils from various rooms (double bed, kitchen cabinets, sofa, lamps, blinds, a collection of clothing, wardrobe, clothes horse, as well as various kitchen utensils) was combined into one ensemble. A voyeuristic situation was created. In my performance I appeared in feminine white yoga pants and white shirt. I behaved as naturally as possible, greeted visitors. Afterwards, I offered to have my face coated in yellow with my own turmeric mixture. The visitors were now gradually integrated into my work. After greeting them I pointed out the healing effect as well as the long staining effect of the mixture. They were asked to sit down and slowly persuaded to be dyed for art; if that wasn‘t enough, then they would also do me a personal favor; after all, it was also healthy and they could change clothes right there; they could even protect their garments in this way. Thus made happy, they were still offered turmeric ginger tea with coconut water as a reward. Additionally, photographer Josefa Schundau served as a replacement during the rest breaks, also clad in white. Esther Thebock and Hannah Schwab performed in the role of covert „cultists“ by willingly changing and dyeing their clothes and openly maintaining this metamorphosed state through the exhibition (as seen in this picture). Spatial expansion: by the immersion in white (by changing clothes) and the coloration in yellow (by turmeric massage) my work spread piece by piece from the room to the visitor, to other exhibition spaces, into the home, even to the visitors’ environments. The work created ambivalent states.
installation – performance | 2900 x 3000 x 4260 mm |10.05 – 02.06. 2019 | the mill | mostviel
camera – josefa schundau | all lyrics are translatet form german in eEnglish from dr. sarah w. lynch.